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Ayşen Ilgın AKBAY
AyÅŸen Ilgın Akbay, is a 3rd year student at Gazi University Faculty of Pharmacy (GPA: 3.76 as of March 2021). Between September 2018 and August 2020, she undertook the promotion of her former school, Gülhane Health Sciences University (SBÜ) Faculty of Pharmacy and represented her faculty in foreign media. She is the founder of the Faculty's social media accounts and has been a consultant especially for students while managing these accounts. Between November 2019 and September 2020, she represented her school and faculty at the 15th Young Academy organized by Bilkent University "Operational Research Club". In June 2020, she completed her internship at Dal Pharmacy in Antalya, and provided medicine and health consultancy by communicating with patients one-on-one. Since September 2020, she has been working in the Scientific Research Committee of the Young Forensic Pharmacists Commission and is doing case studies, article presentations and news writing. Since February 2021, she has been at the Pharma Event Academy, where she has been working in the Scientific Research and Translation Committee. She conducts article research, presentations, news writing, and English-Turkish, Turkish-English translation of articles. Since March 2021, she has been working on the project number 2200299 titled " Inducible Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPS)-based Diabetes Disease Model " through the TÜBÄ°TAK STAR Program. Laboratory skills: basic principles in drug preparation and basic measurements/calculations, stability tests and shelf life calculations, macroscopic and microscopic identification of medicinal and toxic plants, identification of some secondary substance groups in medicinal plants, basic chemical reactions and separation for drug synthesis. She has knowledge about purification methods, basic microbial techniques and analysis, basic qualitative and quantitative analysis. She speaks fluent English, beginner level German and French; she is in the course of developing her German and French and also Turkish Sign Language. In the future, by conducting R&D studies on biotechnological and nanotechnological drugs, she aims to conduct pre-clinical and clinical studies by developing innovative methods for the treatment of cancer, autoimmune and infectious diseases.

He was born in 1998 in Ankara. He completed his undergraduate education at Laar & Berg (Laren, Netherlands) school and TED Ankara College Foundation Private Schools. He won BaÅŸkent University Faculty of Dentistry, coming in first and with full scholarship in 2016. He will have completed hiz undergraduate education in summer of 2021. Within the scope of TÜBÄ°TAK 2247-C STAR scholarship call for 2020, he took part as a scholar in the project titled "The In Silico, In Vitro and In Vivo Investigation of the Efficacy of Existing Drug Acttive Substances in COVID-19". In the second call for 2247-C TUBITAK STAR Scholarship, he has been awarded a scholarship in the project titled “Inducible Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPS)-based Diabetes Disease Model”. His areas of interest include Prosthetic Dentistry, Biomaterials, Dental Implant Treatments, Periodontal Treatments and Regenerative Medicine Applications. Altıok is Turkish, fluent in English and Dutch at advanced level and French at beginner level.

She was born in 1999 in Rize. She continues her education in the 4th grade of the English Program at Ankara University Faculty of Pharmacy. She participated in many activities and trainings during her undergraduate education. Stem Cell Community Day 2021, Leader Development Program, BIO Turkey International Biotechnology Congress, International Pharmaceutical and Pharmacy Law Congress, Health and Pharmacy E-Congress in the Shadow of the Pandemic, Good Manufacturing Practices Training (GMP), Good Laboratory Practices Training (GLP), Occupational Health and Safety Training, Pharmaceutical Quality Management Training, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Training, Phytotherapy Training, Effective Communication and Oratory Training, Entrepreneurship and Incorporation Training and Effective Presentation Techniques Training are some of the trainings and activities AvÅŸar attended. AvÅŸar, who was the head of the education commission for a term in the Professional Development and Communication Student Community of the Faculty of Medicine, is still an active member of the community. She completed her pharmacy internship in the 2020-Fall and 2021-Summer terms, provided health counseling to patients and their relatives, and learned all analog and digital processes related to the processes. In August-September 2021, she has voluntarily completed his hospital pharmacy internship at Karadeniz Technical University Farabi Hospital within the scope of the T.C. Presidency Career Gate Internship Mobilization program. In this process, she understood the duties and responsibilities of the pharmacist in the hospital, informed the other health workers about the drugs and alternatives when necessary, and obtained a lot of information systematically. Within the scope of the 2247-C TÜBÄ°TAK STAR Scholarship 2021/1 call, she was awarded the scholarship number 2200299 in the project titled “Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (ıPS) Originated Diabetes Model". She also speaks advanced English and beginner German.
He was born in Trabzon in 2002. He is a 4th year student at BaÅŸkent University Molecular Biology and Genetics (English) Undergraduate Program. He took an active role in many student societies during his undergraduate education. He was a full member of the board of directors of BaÅŸkent University Molecular Biology and Genetics Society BAÅžGEN and served as the president of BaÅŸkent University Airsoft Society. He completed voluntary and compulsory internships in Genetic Disease Diagnosis centers. Within the scope of the '2247-C Intern Researcher Scholarship Program (STAR)' program, he was entitled as a scholar in the project titled 'Investigation of Tissue Damage in MicroRNA (miRNA) and Exosomal miRNA Levels and Identification of Potential Biomarkers in uPKH-derived Diabetes Disease Models'. His main areas of interest include Cancer Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering. He also has advanced knowledge of English, intermediate level Spanish and beginner level German.

Yağız Efe was born in 2000 in Kyrenia/K.K.T.C. He graduated from Başkent University Biomedical Engineering Department as an honours student in 2023. In 2020, he was accepted from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics within the double major programme. He continues his education in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. He completed his hospital internship in the Biomedical Department of Başkent University Hospital in July 2022. He completed his company internship within Nanotech Advanced Technological Materials company in July 2021 and in June-July 2022, for a total of 3 months. With these internships, he gained detailed information about the construction, control and calibration of medical devices. In order to improve himself in technical drawing, he took a Solidworks (CAD) drawing programme course in 2021. As a graduation project within the scope of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, a hearing aid was designed to improve the communication between patients with poor hearing and doctors. He has improved himself in the printing of plastic materials on a 3D FDM type printer. Within the scope of 2247-C TUBITAK STAR Fellowship 2023/2 call, he has been entitled to be a scholar in the project titled "Development of a Prescreening Test for the Identification of Extracellular Vesicles Associated with Breast Cancer". He speaks English at an intermediate level and Japanese at a basic level with the Japanese course at the Turkish Japanese Foundation Cultural Centre, which he attended in 2019, 2021 and 2023.

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